VOSA Bristol
Commercial / Industrial
50 Weeks
Designed to achieve BREEAM excellent the new Headquarters and seven lane Goods Vehicle Testing Station currently under construction at Bristol is the Jewel in the Crown of the VOSA estate.
Bringing together all the expertise of a fully integrated construction team and best practice accrued from 13 previous projects the new development is due for completion in April of 2008.
Having commenced projects with VOSA utilizing the PPC2000 contract much of the framework was undertaken using the BeCollaborative. The Bristol project however has been undertaken utilizing the JCT CE (constructing excellence) contract with target cost and pain/gain mechanism.

We are most proud that much of this new contract has been based directly upon Britcon and the VOSA framework standard documentation, especially the Risk Management procedures.
Britcon together with our collaborative team have been awarded 'Best Collaboration and Integration' from Constructing Excellence in respect of this project.